[Gambas-user] gb3: using string as stream for sequential write operations of arbitrary datatypes

Kevin Fishburne kevinfishburne at ...1887...
Wed Aug 31 21:04:20 CEST 2011

On 08/31/2011 01:21 AM, nando wrote:
> What type of connection are you using ?


I think using MEMORY as Tobias suggested 
(http://gambasdoc.org/help/lang/memory?v3) might be a decent solution. I 
should be able to determine the length in bytes of the variables to be 
written to the UDP socket, create a string that many bytes long, open a 
MEMORY stream pointing to that string, write the varibles to the string, 
then both send the string over UDP and archive it in my transaction 
queue history.

Kevin Fishburne
Eight Virtues
www: http://sales.eightvirtues.com
e-mail: sales at ...1887...
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