[Gambas-user] Gambas3 Debian Package

rrivett privatemail at ...2637...
Thu Aug 18 14:13:44 CEST 2011

On Wed, 2011-08-17 at 20:14 -0700, Ian Haywood wrote:

> I have prepared debian packages and put them up for inclusion,
> currently waiting on a decision by the debian developers to include
> (well over 2 months, so I will follow up)
> Ian


In the meantime, I installed Gambas3 from your Natty PPA debs.
Interestingly, Synaptic showed circular QT3/QT4 dependencies which could
not be resolved, but apt-get install didn't list any dependency
problems. Dpkg reported one error, which scrolled off the screen before
I could read it. 

When I tried running Gambas3, I got the infamous " no project file in
'/usr/bin/gambas3' " error message. I searched the mailing lists and
don't see any real explanation for the message. 

I may try reinstalling later today with the installer messages dumped to
a file. Might be a clue there.


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