[Gambas-user] New website

Rolf-Werner Eilert eilert-sprachen at ...221...
Thu Apr 7 10:26:30 CEST 2011

Am 06.04.2011 21:24, schrieb Benoît Minisini:
>> On Tue, 2011-04-05 at 00:49 +0200, Benoît Minisini wrote:
>>> The new website has been uploaded to sourceforge.
>> It would be great if you could get a few Gambas 3 screen shots in the
>> gallery. It's a bit dated as it stands.
> I added two recent screenshots. If you have ideas for a third one, you are
> welcome!
> Regards,

I just visited the new website - very nice!

Now here's one thing however which has to do with my eyes. I have a 
slight fault on the right eye which makes kind of blur of sharp edges. 
Looks like shaking of a camera or as if someone scratched the lense.

The shadows on the front page of the new Gambas website look exactly 
like that on my screen, so I have a double effect which looks really 
odd, almost unreadable to me although it's big enough. I include a 
screenshot. Are the shadows only here? Perhaps bold would be clearer 
than shadows?

And I miss "Downloads".
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