[Gambas-user] gb3 RC1: using structures to replace the loss of Mk$ functions

Kevin Fishburne kevinfishburne at ...1887...
Thu Apr 7 02:57:49 CEST 2011

On 04/05/2011 03:34 AM, Benoît Minisini wrote:
>> On 04/05/2011 01:39 AM, Kevin Fishburne wrote:
>>> Alright, I've transformed all the networking code to the suggested
>>> solution, and it's so close to working I can smell it. While there is
>>> more code now, I like it better as it's easier to read (important!).
>>> Some code:
>>>      Dim id As Byte
>>>      Dim type As Byte
>>>      Dim data As String
>>>      id = Read #udp As Byte
>>>      type = Read #udp As Byte
>>>      If Eof(udp) = False Then data = Read #udp, Lof(udp) - 2
>>> Using "Lof(udp) - 2" as the length seems to remove bytes from the end
>>> rather than the beginning. I get an unwanted byte at the beginning as
>>> well.
>>> Maybe this is a late April Fools joke about endianness? Other than that,
>>> the whole app is ready to put pixels on the screen again
>> After checking my code for bugs (none found, knock on wood) and doing
>> some experimentation, it looks like sending certain data types using the
>> new method works fine, but other data has an extra byte added in front
>> of or in-between variables. Any info about what's really happening is
>> appreciated.
>> Again what I'm trying to do is send an ID (Byte), type (Byte), and a
>> sequence of arbitrary variables via UDP. When they're received, the ID
>> and type are read normally as Bytes into variables and the rest of the
>> data is read into a string and stored in an array for later processing.
>> The arbitrary variables stored as a string (everything after ID and
>> type) are later interpreted via the *@() functions and assigned to
>> variables. To do this I just created a different UDP_Write procedure for
>> each transaction type so the packets/transactions are properly
>> assembled. I've attached some code excerpts if anyone desires greater
>> specificity.
>> In summary of the attachments, the failure basically goes like this:
>> ' Send username and password.
>>     ' Send the transaction.
>>     udp.Begin
>>       Write #udp, id As Byte
>>       Write #udp, 50 As Byte
>>       Write #udp, credentials As String ' credentials =
>> "myusername,mypassword"
>>     udp.Send
>> ' Read the username and password.
>>     id = Read #udp As Byte
>>     type = Read #udp As Byte
>>     If Eof(udp) = False Then data = Read #udp, Lof(udp) ' Username and
>> password separated elsewhere, not a problem.
>> data should be "myusername,mypassword" but it actually is
>> "^Uanon at ...2571...,mypassword". "\x15" prepends the string, strangely. I
>> think this errant byte also precedes any number of datatypes that are
>> send separately and later read as a single string. What is this byte,
>> and how may I get rid of it?
> Not strange if you read the doc carefully. :-)
> When using "WRITE #Stream, AString As String", the length of the string is
> always written before the string contents.
> To just write the string contents, you must use the second syntax of WRITE:
> 	WRITE #Stream, String, Length

Writing strings and bytes works fine now, but singles and shorts, not so 
much. Here's an example of what's happening:

Server - Send ID (0), type (70) and two singles (2279, 1440) as UDP:

   ' Define target's IP address and port.
   udp.TargetHost = ip
   udp.TargetPort = port

   ' Send the transaction.
     Write #udp, id As Byte
     Write #udp, 70 As Byte
     Write #udp, worldx As Single
     Write #udp, worldy As Single

Client - Read ID and type into their own variables (id, type) and the 
two singles into a string (data):

   id = Read #udp As Byte
   type = Read #udp As Byte
   If Eof(udp) = False Then data = Read #udp, Lof(udp)

Client - Display the value of data (double click it in the IDE):


     The "<?>" is actually one character, a question mark in a diamond.

Client - Print the value of data in the console (?data):


Client - Print the length of data in the console (?Len[data]):


Client - Convert data from a string back into two singles:

     Single@(Mid$(tsdata, 1, 4))

     Single@(Mid$(tsdata, 5, 4))

Any idea why 2279 becomes 1.029069E-38 and 1440 becomes 6.466712E-41? 
Sending a short of 1234 is read as "\x04<?>" (double click) or "-11772" 
(Short@[data]). It looks like either the Read function is doing 
something strange with the data when assigning it to a string, or the 
*@() functions aren't working the way they used to. In case anyone 
forgot, I was previously using the Mk*() functions to create a string 
from variables and the *@() functions to convert the string back to the 
original datatypes.

Kevin Fishburne
Eight Virtues
www: http://sales.eightvirtues.com
e-mail: sales at ...1887...
phone: (770) 853-6271

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