[Gambas-user] Suggestions 4 new keywords

Fabián Flores Vadell fabianfloresvadell at ...626...
Wed Sep 15 18:59:17 CEST 2010

2010/9/15 Doriano Blengino <doriano.blengino at ...1909...>:
> Probably with "you" you mean Benoit and not me, anyway...

I'm sorry. I thought about sending it to Benoit, but I wrote the user
list address. But, this way may well be better.

> Your proposal resembles the syntax of pascal - I like pascal, and use it
> a lot; but the biggest annoyance of pascal is this double declaration in
> interface and implementation: very clean and very logical - for a
> compiler from 1970.

Oh! Lisp come from fifties, but many current languages do not reach
their ankles :-)  (I'm not referring to Gambas)

> I don't think that substituting PRIVATE and PUBLIC
> with INTERFACE and IMPLEMENTATION would save typing, may be sometimes...

You forgot argue about your opinion. But, please, pay attention when
you read: I'm saying about an << alternative >> syntax.

> The validation mechanism seems pretty, but does not add anything to the
> more general form of getter/setter. Just more readable by a human (which
> is not too little, anyway).

Yes. Nothing must be change in background. Just is about readability,
and syntax  closer to OOP

> May be that there can be a midway idea: to have PUBLIC and PRIVATE
> inherited from the last declaration. You specify PUBLIC at the
> beginning, and then write variables and methods. Then you specify
> PRIVATE, and then write all the private part of the class. This way, you
> get closer to your proposal, still having the possibility to mix public
> and private declarations.

I proposed exactly that, time ago to Benoît. But, because I'm
referring to a alternative syntax closer to OOP, I think that
INTERFACE and IMPLEMENTATION keywords are more accurated. That they
exist in Pascal from nineties is just anecdotal, and not detract
merits to them.

A very important advantage, was not emphasized enough: keywords closer
to OOP help very much to teaching an OOP language, because them are
closely related to the OOP concepts.


Fabián Flores Vadell

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