[Gambas-user] dialog.select font & conf setting

Daniel Vanhee daniel.vanhee at ...626...
Tue Sep 7 08:21:53 CEST 2010

Hallo everyone,

i am new to gambas and trying some things out.
I would like to give the user of my program the opportunity to choose a
The default title of the dialog.selectFont must been changed
The font that has been chosen must be written  to the conf-file

My code is as follows

PUBLIC SUB mnuFormatFont_Click()
  ' set the title
  ' let choose the font
  ' apply the font
  ' write chosen font to the conf file
  Dialog.Title = " Kies een font "
  TextArea1.Font = Dialog.Font
  Settings["Tekst/Lettertype"] = TextArea1.Font

When running the program
- the title is not changed
- the data are not written to the conf file

What is wrong?


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