[Gambas-user] Inconsistent initialization in controls: seems a little bug

richard terry rterry at ...1946...
Fri Sep 3 00:01:31 CEST 2010

On Friday 03 September 2010 07:43:34 Fabián Flores Vadell wrote:

My 2c worth:

Please don't introduce the nightmare of autoresize = true!!!!!!!!!!



> 2010/9/2 Doriano Blengino <doriano.blengino at ...1909...>:
> > I agree - consistency; but the center question is the AutoResize
> > property. If it is true by default, then the widget should show as soon
> > as its text property is set to something "visible". If it is false, then
> > the widget should not resize and, doing so, it should keep its default
> > size. If its default size is zero, then the widget is invisible. The
> > Autoresize seems to default to false, so gtk seems more logical.
> I think that have no sense that a graphic object is initialized to
> (0,0,0,0), because make not sense that it become invisible in its
> initial state. There's no logic in that. The purpose of a control is
> showing something, so its initial state shouldn't be one that it
> become invisible.
> I think about this goal can be achieved by making TRUE the default
> value of AutoResize property in the control Label, that make sense
> especially in this case because Labels always should show the value of
> its Text property (show a half string o just a part make no sense.
> Right?). So, default AutoResize = False go against the purpose of the
> Label control.
> > Anyway, I believe that interactive editing of a form, and creatiaon of
> > controls by code, are two different situations, with different
> > requirements.
> Yes, they are two differents situations. But, what those diferent
>  requirements?
> > Consistency is desirable, if it does not clash with
> > something else more important.
> I agree. But I don't see clash between consistency and anything else
> in this case.
> Consistency matters because allow predict behaviors, but never can go
> against the logical behavior of a object. So in this case consistency
> and logical behavior of the control Label match, if the default value
> to AutoResize is TRUE.
> Regards.

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