[Gambas-user] Error (or not logic) in sub/function parsing

Leonardo Miliani leonardo at ...1237...
Mon Nov 22 11:55:20 CET 2010

Copy the following code in a sample form and run it:

PUBLIC SUB Form_Open()  
DIM a AS Integer  
 a = Test_sub()  
 PRINT a  
 a = Test_func()  
 PRINT a  
PUBLIC SUB Test_sub() AS Integer  
PUBLIC FUNCTION Test_func() AS Integer  

You'll see two "1" in the Gambas console. I think this is wrong because
a SUB (or Procedure) must not return any value. Instead the Function
works correctly as it is (or it should be) the only one that can (or
could) return a value.

The right way should be that Gambas parser should raise an error when it
finds a "RETURN" statement inside a SUB routine.

Leonardo Miliani.

Sito personale: www.leonardomiliani.com
Co-fondatore di www.gambas-it.org
Il portale della comunità italiana dei programmatori Gambas

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