[Gambas-user] Wait statements > stack overflow (gb3)

richard terry rterry at ...1946...
Fri May 7 06:29:55 CEST 2010

Hi LIst,

I'm automatically parsing many many thousands of pages of documents, the 
patients are in a listbox, and the documents in another. (with underlying 
collections of course).

The basic code looks like this:

If cvwInboxDocuments.count = 0 Then
                  '.... do a whole lot of stuff
      Wait      'make the gui refresh
                   '.... do a whole lot of stuff
      Wait      'make the gui refresh
  End If        

When this runs, it looks at each of the some 1800 pages of documents, 
generated from hl7 files which were previously  parsed into the table by an 
automated process and converts the essential info to html  for display, which 
it resaves and  and does the appropriate linking it needs to do to patient 
names, provider names, test names etc.

Though this could all run 'under the hood -automaed', I put the Wait 
statements in so I could see the lists updating on the screen to watch what 
was happening.

If I run the code, after doing about 1/4 of the work it dies on the Wait 
statement with a 'Stack Overflow' error.

If I comment out the Wait statements > it all runs without a problem.

Anyone know what's happening??



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