[Gambas-user] gridview autoresize columns width by code

JUHASZ Robert robert1juhasz at ...626...
Wed Jun 23 15:44:04 CEST 2010

Hello Ricardo,

I use this function to display a result in a TableView. I just copy it
as is, you may find out how do I adjust the column width. Maybe not the
simplest but works well.

For the Boolean I show the picture of a checkbox, I attached if you
wanna try the code then add the pictures to your project or comment out
the part uses them.

Hope this helps.


PUBLIC FUNCTION fillTV(tv AS TableView, rs AS Result, OPTIONAL
hideFirstCol AS Boolean = FALSE, OPTIONAL ignoreLastCols AS Integer = 0)
AS Boolean
'to fill the tv tableview with the data of the rs result

  DIM k, j AS Long
  DIM iC AS Integer = 0
  DIM c AS Long[2]
  DIM minW AS Integer, maxW AS Integer
  DIM colW AS NEW Integer[]
  DIM minH AS Integer, maxH AS Integer
  DIM colH AS NEW Integer[]
  DIM picF AS Picture = Picture.Load("picF.png")
  DIM picT AS Picture = Picture.Load("picT.png")
  minW = tv.Font.Width("X") * 5
  maxW = minW * 30
  minH = tv.Font.Height("H")
  maxH = minH * 10
  c[0] = Color.White
  c[1] = Color.LightBackground
  tv.Rows.count = rs.Count 
  tv.Columns.Count = rs.Fields.Count - ignoreLastCols
  tv.header = 3
  FOR k = 0 TO tv.columns.count - 1 
    tv.Columns[k].Text = rs.Fields[k].name
  FOR j = 0 TO rs.count - 1
    FOR k = 0 TO tv.Columns.Count - 1
      IF rs.Fields[k].Type = db.Boolean THEN 
        tv[j, k].Picture = IIf(rs[rs.Fields[k].name], picT, picF)
      ELSE IF rs[rs.Fields[k].name] = "00/00/00" THEN 
        tv[j, k].text = ""
        tv[j, k].text = rs[rs.Fields[k].name]
      tv[j, k].BackColor = c[iC]
      IF colW[k] < tv.Font.Width(tv[j, k].text) THEN colW[k] =
tv.Font.Width(tv[j, k].text)
      IF colH[j] < tv.Font.Height(tv[j, k].text) THEN colH[j] =
tv.Font.Height(tv[j, k].text)
    ic = 1 - ic
  FOR j = 0 TO tv.Rows.Count - 1
      tv.Rows[j].H = Max(minH, Min(colH[j], maxH)) + 7
  FOR k = 0 TO tv.Columns.Count - 1
      tv.Columns[k].W = Max(minW, Min(colW[k], maxW)) + 15
  IF hideFirstCol THEN 
    tv.Columns[0].W = 0
    tv.Columns[0].Resizable = FALSE

-----Original Message-----
From: Ricardo Díaz Martín <oceanosoftlapalma at ...626...>
Reply-to: mailing list for gambas users
<gambas-user at lists.sourceforge.net>
To: mailing list for gambas users <gambas-user at lists.sourceforge.net>
Subject: [Gambas-user] gridview autoresize columns width by code
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2010 12:24:49 +0200

Hi all,

I wonder if there is a way to auto-resize a column in a grid view by code
(the same when you double-cliked on run time to auto-size the width).

I always save columns width in database and when form is loading set values
for columns width. But now I need in one form to do this like if user
double-clicked on border of columns.

Thanks in advance,
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