[Gambas-user] TreeView.Count value differs using qt rather than gtk

Kadaitcha Man nospam.nospam.nospam at ...626...
Tue Jan 26 12:12:51 CET 2010

2010/1/26 Doriano Blengino <doriano.blengino at ...1909...>:

> This is a more general problem of gambas syntax. Is Listbox1[5] the
> sixth element of an array of listboxes, or the sixth element of
> Listbox1?

You are confabulating and conflating.

> I never tried to make array of listboxes

There you go then, hey. So, why do you ask me the answer to a problem
you have never tried to solve for yourself?

Anyway, the answer to your question is Is Listbox1[5] is the sixth
element of [a control named] Listbox1.

How do I know? Because I can read.

The problem isn't 'a more general problem of gambas syntax". There is,
at best, a problem with the documentation. If the documentation were
clear and concise, which it is not, there would be no debate.

> So, TreeView1.Children[0] would be a coherent way to address the first
> children

Perhaps it would be coherent, but if it is not also consistent, which
it is not then it is wrong.


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