[Gambas-user] Gambas-user Digest, Vol 44, Issue 46

Aaron Peachey alpeachey at ...626...
Tue Jan 19 20:37:00 CET 2010

> Erm... have you tried putting text in the label's Caption property,
> set its width and X, Y location so that it is within the visible area
> of the form, yes?
> No, you haven't?
> There's your problem then, hey. The field has no text so it can't be
> seen, even if it is hiding behind the window title-bar.
> Also, lose lblName.Show().
> Regards,
Thanks. My code did originally have lblName.Text and lblName.X/lblName.Y 
set but it still didn't show anything.

i.e. this code results in an empty form:

  DIM lblName AS Label

  lblName = NEW Label(ME)
  lblName.Text = "Test"
  lblName.X = 100
  lblName.Y = 100

However, I have just tried Doriano's suggestion:

  DIM l AS Label

  l = NEW Label(ME)
  l.Text = "Ciao"
  ' l.AutoResize = TRUE   ' alternative: use this and omit width+height
  l.Width = 50
  l.Height = 20

And this did the trick. It placed the label at the top left corner of the form (under the titlebar)

thanks for your help..I'm sure I'll be posting again soon!

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