[Gambas-user] Socket Limitations

Kadaitcha Man nospam.nospam.nospam at ...626...
Mon Jan 4 22:52:46 CET 2010

2010/1/5 Doriano Blengino <doriano.blengino at ...1909...>:
> Kadaitcha Man ha scritto:
>> 2010/1/5 Doriano Blengino <doriano.blengino at ...1909...>:
>> I disagree. Blocking mode guarantees known certainties, as defined by
>> any number of RFC documents.
> Pardon me... I think that RFCs have nothing to do with blocking mode,

lol - RFCs have everything to do with certainties. You misread it, or
I didn't write it clearly.

<snip stuff going nowhere>

> Ok, I am speaking about things too philosophic, loosing contact with
> reality. There is no point in spending time in such things. But I can
> assure you that I am not stuck in anything - simply we don't understand
> each other, probably because english is not my language.

Or because French isn't mine :)

> And now, let's stop this nowhere-going discussion.

We both arrived at that conclusion. Wise move.

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