[Gambas-user] did I miss something, or is that a bug
Charlie Reinl
Karl.Reinl at ...2345...
Sun Feb 14 19:20:34 CET 2010
Am Sonntag, den 14.02.2010, 20:00 +0200 schrieb Jussi Lahtinen:
> > I try to work with a string in that case a Path and eval tries to
> > divide.
> Sorry, I still don't understand what you are trying to do.
> Eval tries to divide, that is very much expected.
> "? eval("/tmp/testArchivCopy.pdf")"
> Doesn't make any sense, "/tmp/testArchivCopy.pdf" is not mathematical
> expression.
> What is the result you are expecting?
> http://gambasdoc.org/help/lang/eval
> "Evaluates an expression and returns its value."
> Jussi
Salut Jussi,
the original is:
? eval("/tmp/testArchivCopy_" & Format(Date(), "yyyymmdd") &
Replace(CStr(Time()), ":", "") & ".pdf")
that was the last in the first mail. And I expect something like :
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