[Gambas-user] SHELL command with python does not execute!

Doriano Blengino doriano.blengino at ...1909...
Thu Feb 11 20:36:28 CET 2010

Fabien Bodard ha scritto:
> Le 11 février 2010 15:23, Benoît Minisini
> <gambas at ...1...> a écrit :
>>> sql = "CREATE TABLE Aplianikis ("
>>>         "aa BIGINT(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,"
>>>         "Eponimia VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,"
>>>         "AFM  VARCHAR(18) NOT NULL,"
>>>         "Hmerominia DATE NOT NULL,"
>>>         "Checkbox TINYINT(1) NOT NULL,"
>>>         "primary key(aa)"
>>>         ")"
>>>         "DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"
>>> DB.Exec(sql)
>>> gambas version :
>>>  Dim htable As Table
>>>   htable = db.Tables.Add("Aplianikis")
>>>   htable.Fields.Add("aa", db.Serial, 10)
>>>   htable.Fields.Add("Eponimia", db.String, 40)
>>>   htable.Fields.Add("AFM", db.String, 18)
>>>   htable.Fields.Add("Hmerominia", db.Date)
>>>   htable.Fields.Add("Checkbox", gb.Boolean,, False)
>>>   htable.PrimaryKey.Add("aa")
>>>   htable.Update
>>> Query to Benoit ... is there a way to define 'NOT NULL' entry via gambas
>>>  code ?
>> You have to define the default value. What's the point of having a mandatory
>> field (NOT NULL) without a default value?
> just say i want something ... but i can't say what because there is
> not default rules.
> and then advise the user that he need to say someting by himself
> for example my age can't be 0
A default value does not imply that a value is required, and a "not 
null" clause does not imply a default value.
It seems, indeed, very reasonable: all the four cases have a useful 
meaning, and any simplification, I think, would be limiting. Another 
example, after the one from Fabien, is the Name field of a private 
person. I am sure I want the name of the person, but which name would be 
a suitable default? John Smith? And a default value with no "not null" 
clause makes sense too in many cases.

Just a thought... regards,

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