[Gambas-user] Setting default values on a listbox

Dag Jarle Johansen dag.jarle.johansen at ...2312...
Mon Feb 8 16:13:08 CET 2010

Hi, I agree,

if I had a set of Listboxes, where each stores one option, the options
wan't be changeable, and all you have to do is to store the index of
each listbox. Where to store - what one likes, settings are surely ok.


Am Montag, den 08.02.2010, 00:44 -0800 schrieb charlesg:
> Hi
> I read the question differently from Werner (probably incorrectly!)
> I think you want:
> PUBLIC SUB Form_Open()
>   DIM j AS Integer
>   FOR j = 40 TO 50
>     ListBox1.Add(Str(j) & "   " & Chr(j), j)
>   NEXT 
>   ListBox1[5].selected = TRUE

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