[Gambas-user] Track playing process bar

Johny Provoost johny.provoost at ...27...
Thu Aug 5 17:33:23 CEST 2010

I would like to add a progress bar / line to a MP3 player. Is it possible
>> to retrieve the length and the current position of the track with Gambas2
>> ? Thanks!
> Alas, not for MP3. SDL has no way to guess the length of a MP3 file (funny
> format isn't it?). You just have the time position.
> Regards,

I know it's very durty but you can read the tags of the mp3 file. (only 
possibility I found within my small knowledge of programming.
You must have exiftool installed.  I use Ubuntu and exiftool is not 
standard installed.

/'Create tags
PUBLIC FUNCTION FillTags(vFile AS String)
   DIM hTags AS File
   DIM NoNeedFor AS String
   DIM vIndex AS Integer = 0

   vIDindex = vIDindex + 1
   Start.lblOpstarten.Text = ("Ogenblikje a.u.b. Bezig met aanmaken 
muziekdatabase - Record: " & Str$(vIDindex))
   WAIT 0.01
   'Read Tags
   ' Put the tags in a textfile.  The name and path of the mp3 is in 
vFile and write the tags in a txtfile tagstmp.
   SHELL "exiftool " & "\"" & vFile & "\"" & " >" & FMain.EigenDir & 
"/jepe/SiMuP/tagstmp " WAIT
   'Open the file for reading
   hTags = OPEN FMain.EigenDir & "/jepe/SiMuP/tagstmp" FOR INPUT
   WHILE NOT Eof(hTags)
     LINE INPUT #hTags, NoNeedFor  '1-Exiftool Version Number
     IF Left$(NoNeedFor, 9) = "File Name" THEN
       vFilename = Right$(NoNeedFor, Len(NoNeedFor) - RInStr(NoNeedFor, 
":") - 1)
     IF Left$(NoNeedFor, 9) = "Directory" THEN
       vDirectory = Right$(NoNeedFor, Len(NoNeedFor) - RInStr(NoNeedFor, 
":") - 1)
     IF Left$(NoNeedFor, 27) = "File Modification Date/Time" THEN
       vFileModification = Right$(NoNeedFor, Len(NoNeedFor) - 
RInStr(NoNeedFor, ": ") - 1)
     IF Left$(NoNeedFor, 13) = "Audio Bitrate" THEN
       vBitrate = Right$(NoNeedFor, Len(NoNeedFor) - RInStr(NoNeedFor, 
":") - 1)
     IF Left$(NoNeedFor, 11) = "Sample Rate" THEN
       vSampleRate = Right$(NoNeedFor, Len(NoNeedFor) - 
RInStr(NoNeedFor, ":") - 1)
     IF Left$(NoNeedFor, 12) = "Channel Mode" THEN
       vChannelMode = Right$(NoNeedFor, Len(NoNeedFor) - 
RInStr(NoNeedFor, ":") - 1)
     IF Left$(NoNeedFor, 5) = "Title" THEN
       vTitle = Right$(NoNeedFor, Len(NoNeedFor) - RInStr(NoNeedFor, 
":") - 1)
     IF Left$(NoNeedFor, 6) = "Artist" THEN
       vArtist = Right$(NoNeedFor, Len(NoNeedFor) - RInStr(NoNeedFor, 
":") - 1)
     IF Left$(NoNeedFor, 5) = "Album" THEN
       vAlbum = Right$(NoNeedFor, Len(NoNeedFor) - RInStr(NoNeedFor, " : 
") - 1)
     IF Left$(NoNeedFor, 5) = "Track" THEN
       vTrack = Right$(NoNeedFor, Len(NoNeedFor) - RInStr(NoNeedFor, 
":") - 1)
     IF Left$(NoNeedFor, 5) = "Genre" THEN
       vGenre = Right$(NoNeedFor, Len(NoNeedFor) - RInStr(NoNeedFor, 
":") - 1)
     IF Left$(NoNeedFor, 8) = "Composer" THEN
       vComposer = Right$(NoNeedFor, Len(NoNeedFor) - RInStr(NoNeedFor, 
":") - 1)
     IF Left$(NoNeedFor, 4) = "Year" THEN
       vYear = Right$(NoNeedFor, Len(NoNeedFor) - RInStr(NoNeedFor, ":") 
- 1)
     IF Left$(NoNeedFor, 8) = "Duration" THEN
       vDuration = Right$(NoNeedFor, Len(NoNeedFor) - RInStr(NoNeedFor, 
": ") - 1)
       vDuration = Left$(vDuration, 5)
   CLOSE #hTags/

Greetings Johny

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