[Gambas-user] static const?

Fabián Flores Vadell fabianfloresvadell at ...626...
Wed Apr 14 19:33:20 CEST 2010

2010/4/14 Doriano Blengino <doriano.blengino at ...1909...>:

> Back to the beginning: a CONST declaration is something that uses no
> memory, so it can not have instances, and hence it can not be STATIC.

> On the other hand, a CONST is always static, because the effective data
> it describes reside in a memory outside the program - they reside in the
> compiler memory.

Thanks Doriano. I understand that. My question was caused by the fact
that the compiler allows use the keyword STATIC in the declaration of
constants, even though the online help and a very basic logical
reasoning indicate that use the keyword STATIC is unnecesary in this

> About the cycles WHILE, FOR, REPEAT and so on, I think the statements
> BREAK and CONTINUE are very useful (I would add a third statement:
> RESTART): they permit a finer control and many times they are clearer
> than complex tests.

You do not give arguments to support your opinion. Can you give me
some examples? I think, that these can be obvious for you, but not for

> Your example only has two test, against COUNT and
> the CAPTION. What kind of test would you write if the conditions were
> 15? Perhaps concatenated (I mean, some test are only meaningful when
> other conditions are met).

Assign the results of logical expressions to Boolean variables, it is
often the way to manage the complexity of conditionals expressions.
And in the loops, to use these variables instead of those logical

But I think that you are knowing well this, and you points to the
performance of programs. If so, my answer is that the performance
isn't a priority in many types of programs, and the evaluation of
logical expressions have a little cost in comparation with other
operations (I/O, compression, among many others).

> Finally, your last lines of code do not work:

Yes, it works.

>> PRIVATE FUNCTION ScanTab(IdCaption AS String) AS Byte
>> DIM a AS Byte = 0
>>    WHILE (a<  TabStrip1.Count - 1) AND (TabStrip1[a].Text<>  IdCaption)
>>      INC a
>>    WEND
>>    RETURN IF(TabStrip1[a].Caption = IdCaption, a, -1)
>> END

> The third cycle does not get executed - "a" is 2, which is not less than
> "3-1" (it is equal).

That's irrelevant because the external comprobation (the logical
expression in the return sentence)

> Moreover, your algorithm does a double test on caption, which could be
> avoided.

I think that the second test can't to be avoided. If it isn't put out
the loop, you have to put into the loop. The reason for include the
test (TabStrip1[a].Text<>  IdCaption) in conditional expression is
only stop the loop if there's match before get the last item.

I think that this code can to write in many ways, but with no
significant variations. How would you do?

> Doing an additional test is not an important thing if the test
> is quick and the routine is called not too much often. What if the
> routine is called millions time, or the test is more heavy?

I think that the computational cost of evaluate complex logical
expressions, generally is insignificant. But if not, then the first
thing to be considerated is the language to use, and I see few
alternatives: assembler, C, C++, someone else; the second thing is the
many optimizations to do. But, what kind the system would be? One that
is not possible to do with Gambas.

> About not using RETURN or BREAK inside cycles, we must think at
> different kind of cycles. The WHILE and alike, where no variables are
> directly involved in the cycle declaration, never have problems - the
> semantic of the declaration does not imply anything about variable
> allocation. In the FOR cycles instead, other languages can do strange
> things, both on allocation and code optimization, so it is effectively a
> bad idea to fiddle with the loop control variable; in other languages
> this is not stressed the same way (basic, for example), but actually is,
> at least, ugly.

Yep, but I not was thinking in possible collateral effects, derived
from implementation of language. (To those, the corresponding compiler
would let in evidence, or would become a logical error isn't very
difficult to detect and correct). I was thinking in conceptuals

This conceptuals implications derives in to use of the language
resources in any ways, instead to use them in the correct situations.

> It seems to me that you have said that an exception would be the FOR
> EACH cycle... why?

FOR EACH really iterates through all items, so there's only way to
stop the loop when it's goal is achieved, is by the BREAK sentence
used in a conditonal sentence inside the loop. But it might think that
if it is necessary to do this, then the iterative structure FOR EACH
is not adequate.

And I hope that my very ugly english, does not cause tears.

Fabián Flores Vadell

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