[Gambas-user] Bug with * operator (I think)

Jussi Lahtinen jussi.lahtinen at ...626...
Mon Apr 5 21:50:01 CEST 2010

> The '*' operator (like '+' and '-') returns the same datatype as its
> arguments. There is no conversion to a bigger datatype if needed, so the
> result is truncated.

 Yes, of course.
 I was confused because "?3413156131^2" did work.

>> I need really big numbers...
> Find a volunteer to implement a Gambas component based on a library that can
> manage big integers, like that one: http://gmplib.org/

 Seems not to work with 64bit machines yet...
 I think this would be quite easy to use as external library, but of
course component would be much better option.
 Right now I think I will look at bc.
 It is default command in many Linux distributions.
 Something like this; 'echo "3413156131 * 3413156131;" | bc' combined
with Gambas shell command.


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