[Gambas-user] Error message from (at least earlier valid) pointer usage.

Jussi Lahtinen jussi.lahtinen at ...626...
Fri Sep 18 23:08:07 CEST 2009

This code, gives error message "wanted Stream got Long instead":

pPOINTS = Alloc(4, 1522)
tmp = CalculatePoints(pPOINTS,matrix.Data)


 For ii = 0 To tmp
 Read #pPOINTS + (ii * 4), tmpPOINT.x    <---- Fails here!
 Read #pPOINTS + (ii * 4) + 2, tmpPOINT.y

POINT class:

Public x As Short = -1
Public y As Short

There is also rather complicated "_compare" function, but I don't
think it matters with this problem.

This code worked fine with earlier Gambas 3 revisions.
Does this has anything to do with my error?
  * NEW: A Pointer can not be used as a stream directly. You must use the new
    Memory instruction for that.

New feature understandably lacks documentation, so I need help!


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