[Gambas-user] Video Player example

Hartmut Eilers hartmut at ...2307...
Thu Oct 22 00:22:33 CEST 2009

Hallo List,

for my Video project I need a video player which plays a video
in a unvisible DrawingArea where I can grab a picture contolled
by a timer. I want to show the grabbed image in a smaller preview
window where one can apply effects. When pressing a button all
effects should bei applied to the grabbed images in their original size
and saved as a sequence of pictures.

I did everything I can image, but I am not able to  make the
drawingarea invisible. Any ideas are highly welcome.


Hartmut Eilers                          <hartmut at ...2307...>
Dorffer Str. 53                           http://www.eilers.net
52076 Aachen                           01522/1656914

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