[Gambas-user] write to folder in windows network

Doriano Blengino doriano.blengino at ...1909...
Sat Oct 10 11:43:12 CEST 2009

Doriano Blengino ha scritto:
> Bill-Lancaster ha scritto:
>> I can view and access my windows network folders easily from the desktop.
>> I can put an icon on the desktop which will open a specific network folder
>> (is that "mounted"?)
>> ...
> mount-path, like "E:" is the mount-path in windows. But in linux then 
> mount-path always exist, probably is empty if no devices are mounted; in 
> windows E: does not exist if no devices are plugged.
> I must go - will continue on next mail.


Now come to the interesting part. In gambas, you access files on remote 
machine as they were in your file system (and they actually are...), for 
example "/mnt/remotepc1/C/Document and Settings/...". It is difficult to 
know 1) wheter they are really mounted; 2) where are they mounted; 3) 
what naming conventions and permissions are in place.

If you, in your desktop, open an icon and see remote files, then try to 
understand where they are mounted: look at the title bar, the location 
entry box, try to ask the properties of a file, or open a console and 
type df or mount. These two last commands will list all the mount points 
(mount path), under which you can access files.

Only remains to decide how to mount them. You can choose to use the 
desktop facilities, and then launch your gambas application. Or you can 
edit /etc/fstab and add lines like the following:

    //server1/docs  /mnt/server1  cifs  username=guest,password=mypwd   
  0     0

The first field indicates the resource to mount: server1 is the name of 
the computer, or its IP address; docs is the name of the share; while 
windows uses backslashes linux uses simple slashes. I am not sure how to 
manage blanks (spaces) here, perhaps surround them with quotes.

/mnt/server1 is the mount point, and must refer to an existent directory 
(you must create it). cifs (or, in the old way, smbfs) is the type of 
filesystem; cifs is the filesystem used by windows over a network. The 
following field "username=...." is a comma separated list of parameters; 
usually "username" and "password" are required, other can be useful. The 
last two field have no importance and "0 0" should be ok.

Assuming you added the example line to /etc/fstab, and that everything 
is ok, every time you boot your machine you will see the files of 
server1 inside your local directory /mnt/server1. If you add that line 
and don't want to reboot, issue a "mount -a" command in console.

You can find more information about fstab, mount, mount.cifs, smbmount, 
mount.smb or similar names ("man 1 mount", for example).
May be that Gnome has some graphical application for editing /etc/fstab, 
or some other nice facility - unfortunately I don't know.

Hope this can point you somewhere - it is not difficult (once you have 
succeded! :-)).


Doriano Blengino

"Listen twice before you speak.
This is why we have two ears, but only one mouth."

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