[Gambas-user] C Code character manipulation - alternatives

Doriano Blengino doriano.blengino at ...1909...
Sat May 23 21:59:49 CEST 2009

nando ha scritto:
> If you're looking for something CAD
> OpenOffice comes with Draw
> which is very similar to Corel in many ways.
> I use it to make PC Boards and drawings/etc.  It works very well!!
> You might not have a link to it, so at the text prompt, type oodraw
> -Fernando
Thanks for your interest. I know Open office Draw. In some aspect is 
better than CorelDraw, but... its value is about 15% of Corel. Correctly 
the OpenOffice guys aimed first, may be, at 90% of users. Corel draw 
still can do things well beyond. I used oodraw once to make a depliant 
about a product of mines, and the result was surprisingly fast and easy. 
But if you want more... you discover soon its limits. It is only a 
matter of time - even the oowrite word processor was limited at first, 
but at this time is superior to its counterpart - it lacks only in 
documentation (not to say that the m$ docs are far better... you got it...)

Cheers and... long life to open source. We will win - no doubt.

Doriano Blengino

"Listen twice before you speak.
This is why we have two ears, but only one mouth."

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