[Gambas-user] A web page for Gambas applications

Ron ron at ...1740...
Thu May 14 10:35:37 CEST 2009

Nice idea Benoît,

- Their full name.
Ron Klinkien

- The title of their application.

- A short description.
DomotiGa is Open Source Home Automation Software for Linux.
 <http://gambas.sourceforge.net/>You can use it to read and log all kinds of sensor values, for example from Oregon's weather sensors.
It can detect motion and schedule lights/applicances for you using A10/X10 devices.
Let it send you e-mails and tweets on event triggers or scan barcodes for a grocery list, 
log your phonecalls, take camera snapshots when postal mail is delivered or doors are opened,
and much more ...

- A screenshot.
domotiga.png attached

- A link to a web site dedicated to the application.


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