[Gambas-user] No EXEC Output but Works in Terminal

A Person 5t3c7w4r at ...1092...
Tue Mar 3 23:25:31 CET 2009

Good Day . . .

I am using Gambas 2.8.2-1ubuntu1.

I wrote a program that randomly displays a line from a text file. The 
code worked in pure Gambas but then I tried to improve it! (Ho Ho Ho)

I searched around and I came up with and modified an executable BASH 
script (test.sh) that worked substantially faster than my code so I 
tried to incorporate it into the source code.

During my testing I continuously ran tests in a terminal and everything 
worked perfectly with the script. I tried it in my code using

## EXEC ["~/test.sh"] to sOutPut or EXEC ["~/./test.sh"] to sOutPut

and nothing worked. sOutPut was always "".

The attached tar file contained a small program that contains an example 
EXEC problem code. A modified test.sh script is included along with a 
dummy data file, words.txt.

Any ideas about the EXEC problem?


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