[Gambas-user] Bug in package creator?

Leonardo Miliani leonardo at ...1237...
Tue Jun 30 23:26:06 CEST 2009

Benoît Minisini ha scritto:
> In revision #2044, you can now use any database driver as a component and 
> check it in the IDE project property dialog. This way, they can be an explicit 
> dependency when generating a package.
> So you will get it in the upcoming 2.14 version.

Several users have confirmed me that the bug still persists...
If they specify Connection.Type="sqlite3" inside their programs and then 
they compile them, on the destination computers the component 
gb.db.sqlite isn't marked as a dependency and so the application doesn't 

Web: www.leonardomiliani.com
E-mail: leonardo at ...1237...
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