[Gambas-user] Datepicker bug

Diego Fernández diego at ...1942...
Tue Jan 13 16:22:42 CET 2009


Well, just finished compiling and testing, and, i have to report that in 
old projects i just hit the update all forms and everything works as 
expected, but if i create a new project and insert a datepicker when i 
trying to run it, it doesnt run and shows a signal 11 error. 

I attach a debug file follwing the instructions in section reporting a 
problem on gambas.sf.net

Hope that helps.


Diego Fernández escribió:
> Thanks, that was quick! :-)
> Benoit Minisini escribió:
>> On mardi 13 janvier 2009, Diego Fernández wrote:
>>> hi ppl,
>>> i think i have found a bug,
>>> System:  Ubuntu8.10
>>> Gambas version 3
>>> revision 1794
>>> compilation made with a downgrade to libtool 1.5
>>> In old projects when trying to update all forms, i get a window with
>>> this error,
>>> It is not posible to safe file
>>> path_to_form_here
>>> Void key (FForm.SaveOne.771)
>>> Tryng to fix it i realise its a problem with a frame component and a
>>> datepicker.
>>> You can recreate the problem like this, new project, insert a frame and
>>> then insert a datepicker inside the frame and try to run the app you get
>>> the same error.
>>> And also too, when you just insert a datepicker into a form, the form
>>> gets the same error but instead of 771 it says 730
>>> please confirm or let me know what i am doing wrong.
>>> Thanks
>>> PD: Atach two shots of the error i get when trying to save or update forms,
>>> and a shot of what happen queh you insert a datepicker to a form.
>> I have just fixed the DatePicker bug in revision #1799. Beware that you will 
>> have visual glitches when inserting a compound control like FileView, 
>> DirView, FileChooser... in the IDE. Just save the form and reload it to have 
>> the expected appearance of the control.
>> Regards,
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