[Gambas-user] Void key on Forms Update - sample crashed form
richard terry
rterry at ...1946...
Mon Jan 5 22:51:19 CET 2009
On Tue, 6 Jan 2009 08:25:19 am richard terry wrote:
> Benoit,
> Had two forms on the update with this error message.
> BTW will read the changelog today, didn't know I had to do this.
> Regards
> Richard
There are two forms which fail to load in 1784 (1788 itself compiles but
gambas won't run at all). The message involves the same backcolor dosn't
exist in label. Ok. But how does one fix this. There is no reference at all
to backcolor in the code (its a dummy form I put in as a filler form to be
replaced in the future).
Yes I can easy just remove the label and replace it, but as the other of my
two forms with a similar problem is quite complex, It would be nice to know
how to fix it without manually removing and replacing all the labels.
I attatch the form/class file which as you can see are essentially empty.
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# Gambas Form File 3.0
{ Form Form
Text = ("")
Arrangement = Arrange.Fill
{ VBox1 VBox
{ Label1 Label
Text = ("Yes, you too could write the appointments module!!!")
Border = Border.Plain
{ DatePicker1 DatePicker
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