[Gambas-user] Gambas 2 -> Gambas 3

Benoît Minisini gambas at ...1...
Wed Feb 18 20:00:22 CET 2009

> Hi, it happened to me some day ago,
> there is what I did to fix it.
> # ln -s /usr/lib/qt3/lib64/libqt-mt.so.3.3.8 /usr/lib64/libqt-mt.so.3.3.8
> # ln -s /usr/lib/qt3/lib64/libqt-mt.so.3.3.8 /usr/lib64/libqt-mt.so.3.3
> # ln -s /usr/lib/qt3/lib64/libqt-mt.so.3.3.8 /usr/lib64/libqt-mt.so.3
> # ln -s /usr/lib/qt3/lib64/libqt-mt.so.3.3.8 /usr/lib64/libqt-mt.so
> And just be aware that my system is 64
> Bits.
> By the way, I agree with Ron. I my case Gambas 3
> compiles fine, but suddenly it crash in the make process telling me
> the problem about qt-mt, I try to fin the lib with kfind and realize
> that libqt-mt was unaccessible, could be Gambas involved?

I don't change anything to the libraries. Everything is done by the "libtool" 

libtool works by using the contents of the *.la files to know what flags 
should be sent to the linker. Sometimes, the *.la files provided by the 
distribution are false (it happened once on an old Mandriva, and it happens 
recently on Ubuntu).

Can you (David & Ron) post the contents of your libqt-mt.la files?


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