[Gambas-user] Some file/use or progress bar questions.

Rolf-Werner Eilert eilert-sprachen at ...221...
Tue Feb 3 12:43:30 CET 2009

Don't know if this helps, just an idea:

>> 1) I have a file with some 30,000 lines, but I want to know how many lines are 
>> in the file before I do anything to it - is this possible. I couldn't see how 
>> just looking at the syntax for files.

Read in the file to a string and count the number of linebreaks (chr$(10)).

I am not sure: Is there a counting function in Gambas? Something that 
counts how many times a part-string appears within a string? Maybe in 
the string.-class? Implemented in C, this would accelerate such a thing 
by several factors...


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