[Gambas-user] SHELL not working (GB_DIR)[solved]
Jesus Guardon
jguardon at ...2035...
Sat Dec 19 12:12:27 CET 2009
Doriano Blengino escribió:
> Jesus Guardon ha scritto:
>>>> Hi again
>>>> Continuing my testings on GB_DIR, I'm running into a new problem: SHELL
>>>> command has no effect at all. All sentences using SHELL are not
>>>> executed. As you can guess, running my project executable the normal way
>>>> (not using GB_DIR) it is running right. Could this be a bug?
>> Not at all. No error message is displayed, simply SHELL command seems to
>> be ignored by the interpreter.
>> As for launch my program I'm using a shell script (you can see it in the
>> previous posts), I'm not able to run gdb against myprogram.gambas, or
>> myprogram (without .sh extension).
> In a previous mail you wrote:
>> I am calling my executable from a bash script located in /usr/local/bin
>>>>> jesus at ...2151...:~$ cat /usr/local/bin/dfhlog
>>>>> #!/bin/sh
>>>>> export PATH=/opt/dfhlog/gambas2/bin
>>>>> export GB_DIR=/opt/dfhlog/gambas2
>>>>> exec /opt/dfhlog/dfhlog.gambas
>>>>> (In this case, LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not used, because they already are in
>>>>> my system).
> Your "export PATH" command imposes a path which excludes standard unix
> paths - you will never find system utilities like pidof(1), and neither
> the shell itself. You should write:
> export PATH=/opt/dfhlog/gambas2/bin:$PATH
> to add your personal path the the standard ones. Or, if you are a
> security paranoid, you could use:
> export PATH=/opt/dfhlog/gambas2/bin:/usr/bin:/bin
> This way you don't trust the existing path. This second form excludes
> /sbin and /usr/sbin; you should add them if you need system
> administration commands like route, fdisk, reboot, addgroup and many others.
> Regards,
Yessss! This solved the issue. I might figured it out, I didn't know of
exclusion on "exports".
Many thanks, Doriano (and Benoît, for such a great feature!)
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