[Gambas-user] SHELL not working (GB_DIR)

Jesus Guardon jguardon at ...2035...
Fri Dec 18 23:02:11 CET 2009

Jesus Guardon escribió:
> Benoît Minisini escribió:
>>> Hi all
>>> I am experimenting with the GB_DIR environment variable, and I've made a
>>> deb package with my program to install it in /opt. The current dir
>>> structure is as follows:
>>> jesus at ...2151...:~$ tree /opt
>>> /opt
>>> `-- dfhlog
>>>     |-- dfhlog.gambas
>>>     `-- gambas2
>>>         |-- bin
>>>         |
>>>         |   |-- gbr2 -> gbx2
>>>         |
>>>         |   `-- gbx2
>>>         `-- lib
>>>             `-- gambas2
>>>                 |-- gb.component
>>>                 |-- gb.corba.component
>>>                 |-- ... etc
>>>                 ...etc...
>>> I am calling my executable from a bash script located in /usr/local/bin
>>> jesus at ...2151...:~$ cat /usr/local/bin/dfhlog
>>> #!/bin/sh
>>> export PATH=/opt/dfhlog/gambas2/bin
>>> export GB_DIR=/opt/dfhlog/gambas2
>>> exec /opt/dfhlog/dfhlog.gambas
>>> (In this case, LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not used, because they already are in
>>> my system).
> Thanks Benoît
> Surprisingly, after a recompile, it works as expected! May be I was
> using an old executable file (dfhlog.gambas). Sorry for my mistake 8-(
> Regards
> Jesús

Hi again

Continuing my testings on GB_DIR, I'm running into a new problem: SHELL
command has no effect at all. All sentences using SHELL are not
executed. As you can guess, running my project executable the normal way
(not using GB_DIR) it is running right. Could this be a bug?

Thanks in advance.


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