[Gambas-user] Financial program

Jean-Yves F. Barbier 12ukwn at ...626...
Mon Dec 14 21:26:07 CET 2009

Benoît Minisini a écrit :
>> Benoît Minisini a écrit :
>>>> Fabien Bodard a écrit :
>>>>> you have Laurux at http://laurux.fr/
>>>>> but the code is not perfect has it was on the start a code learning
>>>>> programme.. but at the end it's a true accounting program... in french
>>>>> (Gb2)
>>>> BTW, do you plan to have an equivalent of postgresql or python
>>>> decimal(n,n) into GB3?
>>>> It would be *very* interesting (otherwise you have to filter every line
>>>> through Format$)
>>>> JY
>>> You mean a fixed-point decimal datatype? Or a currency datatype?
>> A fixed-point decimal
>>> It cannot be done in Gambas 3. So, in Gambas 4 ?
>> Hu?
>> That's too bad because it is needed to ease accounting purposes.
> Why not storing currencies in cents, or fraction of cents, with a Long 
> datatype?
No, this is the best way to make mistakes (ie: invoice hardware with
2 decimals, but invoice telephone seconds with 8 & connections w/ 3 or 4
on the same invoice, oeuf corse).

Format$ is not very useful because of conversions it involves.

Using integer arithmetics is muuuch tooo slooow.

So the less worse is still Format$.

Mieux vaut tard que jamais!
[ Better late than never ]

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