[Gambas-user] Gambas in Science ?

Nick Rathke nick at ...2252...
Mon Aug 10 17:08:28 CEST 2009

Jean-Yves F. Barbier wrote:
> Nick Rathke a écrit :
>> Hi Gambas users,
>> I was wondering if any one is using Gambas for Science related work ?
> No, I tried to rule the world through Gambas, but it didn't worked (yet:)
>> Would Gambas modules fo OpenMPI, OpenMP, CUDA be useful ? How about BLAS 
>> or Lapack ?
> May be it is not the right way to consider it, AFAIK these have also command line
> possibilities, so may be writing a nice GUI with Gambas and call/retrieve with it
> is the solution -
True to some degree. They are all also c/c++ libraries with proper 
API's. CUDA is a bit of a different animal with it's own compiler 
however, there are wrappers for other languages ie jCUDA and pyCUDA. So 
next maybe gb.CUDA ?

>  Yours involve inclusion of alien programming that will call for
> too much dependencies (and compilation/optimization problems) and trying to see
> things by Benoît's eyes: its hard enough to maintain AND develop one whole language
> to loose time with alien inclusions/evolutions.
Point very well taken. I do note that the gb.opengl components are 
maintained Laurent Carlier and I am sure there are a few othere 
developers involved with many of the other components as well.

Granted I am very very new to Gambas but it seems like a very open and 
modular system. So personally I see no reason why Benoît would need to 
support or in anyway be involved with maintaining third party components. 
> JY
Thanks for the feed back!
> -- 
> Nick Rathke
> Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute
> Sr. Systems Administrator
> nick at ...2252...
> www.sci.utah.edu
> 801-587-9933
> 801-557-3832
> "I came I saw I made it possible" Royal Bliss - Here They Come 

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