[Gambas-user] re-setting several radiobuttons to false ?how

richard terry rterry at ...1946...
Wed Aug 5 09:48:18 CEST 2009

If one has say 3 radiobuttons in a container
is there anyway to set them all back to false ?

If I try this code to clear some textboxes, checkboxes and radiobuttons 
contained within a hbox, the tetboxes clear and checkboxes clear, but not the 
  Dim hCtrl As Control
  Dim hb As HBox
  Dim tb As TextBox
  Dim cb As CheckBox
  Dim rb As RadioButton

 For Each hctrl In Vbox1.children
     If hctrl Is hbox Then
        hb = hctrl
       For Each hCtrl In HB.Children
         If hctrl Is textbox Then
            tb = hctrl
         Else If hctrl Is RadioButton Then
            rb = hctrl 
            rb.value = False   
         Else If hctrl Is checkbox Then
              cb = hctrl
             cb.value = False  
        End If
     End If

If I directly address the radiobutton in the group by name, it still dosn't 

any help appreciated.


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