[Gambas-user] binary numeral system

Ron_1st ronstk at ...239...
Tue Apr 14 18:28:20 CEST 2009

On Tuesday 14 April 2009, Simonart Dominique wrote:
> PUBLIC SUB Button1_Click()
> DIM S AS String
> DIM i, y, N AS Integer
>     S = TextArea1.Text
>     y = Len(S)
>     if y = 0 THEN RETURN
>     N = 0
>     FOR i = 1 to y
>        d = Val(Mid(S, i, 1)) ' I assume that d is 0 or 1
>        N += d * (2 ^ (y-i))
>     NEXT
>     TextArea1.Text &= "\nBinary " & S & " = decimal " & Str(N)

function bin2dec(sBin) as long
  dim r as long
  for i= 1 to len(sBin)
    r = r*2 + Val(Mid(sBin, i, 1)) 	
  return r

> PUBLIC SUB Button1_Click()
>    TextArea1.Text = "\nBinary " & TextArea1.Text & " = decimal " &  bin2dec(TextArea1.Text)
for 10011 as sBin the sequence is as follows:
r*2=0  +1 = 1
r*2=2  +0 = 2
r*2=4  +0 = 4
r*2=8  +1 = 9
r*2=18 +1 =19

I does not matter the size of input string.
The only limit is r should of apropiate type
to hold the result.
Multiply is faster as Power

Best regards,


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