[Gambas-user] A random sort of listview
Simonart Dominique
simonart.dominique at ...11...
Tue Apr 7 03:05:44 CEST 2009
jbskaggs a écrit :
> I came up with a way to random sort listview. (Iuse this for random
> shuffling card slots on games) But it isnt efficient some pointers if you
> dont mind?
> I use two listviews one to sort from and one to sort to:
> I first copy all the listitems from list 1 to list 2 EXCEPT the key for
> listview2 items = the integer from my for next loop
> eg
> for i = 0 to listview1.count -1 step 1
> listview2.add(i, listview1.item.text)
> next
> then with a for next loop based on the length of list1 I copy the
> listview.item key to a string A and listview.item.text to second string B
> Then I calculate a random number the count of listview2 and add that to a
> integer C
> thenadd it to listview2
> listview2.add("n"&A, B,,C) "n"&A creates a key of n1, n2, etc ...
> AFter the loop ends
> I run a second loop
> and run
> for i = 0 to listview1.count -1 step 1
> listview.moveto(i)
> listview2.item.delete
> next
> This gives me a random sorted list in viewlist2 of viewlist1 with no
> duplicates etc-
> But is there a more efficient way of doing this?
> here is total code:
> PUBLIC SUB button3_click()
> DIM a AS String
> DIM d AS Integer
> DIM e AS Integer
> DIM i AS Integer
> DIM c AS Integer
> listview1.Clear 'clears the list
> FOR i = 0 TO 199 STEP 1 'number of items to add
> listview2.Add(i, "Slot" & i) 'adds items to sort to list
> NEXT 'next item
> i = 0
> FOR i = 0 TO 199 STEP 1 'number of items
> e = 0
> listview1.MoveTo(i) 'goto item
> a = listview1.Item.Text 'get text
> d = listview1.Key 'get key
> PRINT "old key", d
> listview1.Item.Delete 'delete item (the cut part of cut and paste)
> e = Round(Rnd(200)) ' make sure old key doesNOT equal NEW Key
> PRINT e, "<<<< the randomimzed number"
> IF e >= 200 THEN e = 199
> listview2.Add("n" & d, "n" & a,, e) 'adds cut items after randomly
> chosen item
> listview3.Add("n" & d, "n" & a)
> PRINT "new key", e
> NEXT 'next item down
> FOR i = 0 TO 199 STEP 1 'number of items
> listview2.MoveTo(i)
> listview2.Item.Delete
> ValueBox1.value = listview1.Count
> JB SKaggs
Let say you want to populate an array with 0-199 randomly
(please note that I write this directly, so check carefully
the syntax)
dim myArray as integer[200]
dim A as integer
dim i as integer
FOR i=0 to 199
' I think we could use a Swap instruction
' instead of the 2 instructions below
That's all
If these numbers was the keys of the initial Listview you
just have to populate the second Listview in the new order
Hope this help
Dominique Simonart
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