[Gambas-user] Problem with 32 bits library on 64 bits Ubuntu (was Re: Gambas 3 revision 1917)

Benoît Minisini gambas at ...1...
Sat Apr 4 23:31:46 CEST 2009

> There is link of libGL.so in /usr/lib32, which point to
> /usr/lib/libGL.so.180.11.
> Also there is link of libGL.so.1 in both /usr/lib and in /usr/lib32, which
> all points to /usr/lib/libGL.so.180.11. And it really is there.
> So, with spesific file name "libGL.so", it is found only from
> /usr/lib32, and this is
> 64bit system... something to do with that?
> Jussi

What a mess... Until recently, I thought that the standard on 64 bits system 
was that 64 bits libraries go to /usr/lib64, and 32 bits libraries go to 

Did that change, or Ubuntu tries to do on its own?


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