[Gambas-user] Ask About Focus of object

Doriano Blengino doriano.blengino at ...1909...
Wed Oct 8 07:19:24 CEST 2008

Leo Sendra ha scritto:
> As we know, we can move a focus to another object by using tab button and down/up arrow button.
> By using enabled property (change the value to false), we can disable a focusing to a object.
> I want to disable focus to a object but I don't want this object has been disabled (enabled = true).
> For example, there is an object. This object's enabled property is true. But, I can't use a tab button or down/up arrow button to get focus on it.
> Is it possible? If yes, how can I do it???
Sometimes I use the GotFocus event of the object I don't want to get 
focused ("public sub ManipulatedControl_GotFocus"). In this event I set 
the focus to another control (othercontrol.Setocus). For very simple 
situations it does smoothly.

This method is indeed a hack: if you click this "manipulated" control, 
it won't get focus; if you tab-travel forward and back, one of the two 
directions won't work; so you have to use global variables to keep trace 
of the current status, if you want more complete control over the focus.


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