[Gambas-user] Pb with Even parity on SerialPort component

Gaël Le Hec'H gael.lehech at ...626...
Fri Oct 3 10:51:58 CEST 2008

I need to receive data from a device with serial port with 19200 bauds 8
bits data Even parity 2 stop bits settings, but I get only 7 bits of my
I check with serlook and data received is correct : 10 00 00 F0, with gambas
I receive 10 00 00 70
I check the change log of the component but didn't see any problem with
parity setting.
I use version 2.0.0 of gambas2 (I know it's old but with my slackware 11 I
can't get newer version to compile).
It 's a very annoying problem because I can't change the serial settings of
my device :-(
kind regards


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