[Gambas-user] Problem with broadcasting UDP sockets - was Re: Problem with READ on a UDP socket

Werner wdahn at ...1000...
Wed Nov 5 17:59:46 CET 2008

Gareth Bult wrote:
> Urm,
> When you say doesn't scale .. exactly how many clients do you have and how quickly do they need to know about updates?
> Let's say for the sake of argument your SQL server can process 2000 moderate queries per second (not unreasonable) and you want to poll every second with 10 clients. This really isn't much of an overhead .. ???
> Bear in mind MySQL has a query cache .. if you go 100 seconds with no updates, 10 clients will make 1000 SQL requests, but these will be identical and the server will probably only have to do any real work once ... so ... ??
> Gareth.
It being a charity race I have to live with whatever hardware I can get
my hands on. The server this year was a Celeron 1.8GHz in runlevel 5
with KDE, printing, 2 or 3 apps in use, sometimes a browser for the
weather, all in 500 MB.

I have a very nice HP Proliant server sitting right next to me here.
Unfortunately, it is bespoken :-)


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