[Gambas-user] Problem with broadcasting UDP sockets - was Re: Problem with READ on a UDP socket

Doriano Blengino doriano.blengino at ...1909...
Wed Nov 5 06:30:22 CET 2008

Werner ha scritto:
> Benoit Minisini wrote:
>> On mardi 4 novembre 2008, Werner wrote:
>>> also, receiving udp broadcasts works only for one application. Any
>>> additional gambas application on the same machine throws
>>> a "Cannot bind to that socket" error.
>>> Best Regards
>>> Werner
>> Can you provide a little example that shows the problem?
> will do, but it might take a week or two. Obviously, more than one
> computer is needed and I'm a bit short right now.
The behaviour of "cannot bind to that socket" could be correct. On a 
single machine there can be only one process listening on a given port. 
So, if an application binds to a port, no other applications (neither 
another instance of the same) can bind to that port again.
This can be possible if the machine has more than one interface, say 
"" and "". Then two programs can listen on the same 
port, but on different interfaces.

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