[Gambas-user] SMTPClient message format issue

Leonardo Miliani leonardo at ...1237...
Thu May 29 22:47:47 CEST 2008

Rob ha scritto:
> On Thursday 29 May 2008 09:32, Leonardo Miliani wrote:
>> Benoit said me that he based the smtp component on an old library
>> with less functions.. so until he has the time to rewrite it there
>> are no many solutions to get that component working.
> If what you want to send is a really plain plaintext message, I would 
> personally just connect to the SMTP server directly and do something 
> like:

No, I had the necessity to send some attachments, not only a simple
plaintext message.


Web: www.leonardomiliani.com
E-mail: leonardo at ...1237...
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