[Gambas-user] Searching an error in the whole class

Rolf-Werner Eilert eilert-sprachen at ...221...
Wed May 14 13:04:17 CEST 2008


Is it possible to let the program jump to an error routine if an error 
occurs SOMEWHERE in the class?

I cannot find the reason for an error in one of my apps the students 
use. This error occurs especially when lots of french letters and/or 
apostrophies are written, but it is not predictable. So I cannot try it 
for myself (what I did, but it didn't run into an error...)

Of course, they use a compiled version of the program. So I have to log 
the error into a file and search for the reason. But with TRY etc. I can 
only catch an error within one specific function... Since I don't know 
where the error occurs, it would be nice to let the program jump into 
some "global" error routine.

Thanks for your hints!


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