[Gambas-user] how rotate a string in a drawing area

Benoit Minisini gambas at ...1...
Wed May 7 17:37:15 CEST 2008

On mercredi 7 mai 2008, jp wrote:
> hello,
> i need to write in a drawing aréa but from the bottom to the top...
> (rotate it 90° to the left)
> draw.text() only work in horizontal manner
> somebody can help me ?

You can't at the moment, because QT and GTK+ do that in a very different way.

So you have to do that by hand: get the dimension of the text, create a 
picture, fill the picture with the background you need, draw the text inside 
the picture, transform the picture into an image, rotate the image (X11 does 
not know how to rotate a picture), and draw the image into the drawing area.


Benoit Minisini

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