[Gambas-user] Gambas on Windows - Alternative

Daniel Campos dcamposf at ...626...
Fri Mar 21 13:09:51 CET 2008


I don't know if anybody wrote here about this topic, but I've just
tested a Linux environment on Windows capable to run Gambas2 IDE and
applications without any problem. You can find it here:
http://www.andlinux.org (It is GPL'ed)

It is based on cooperative-linux, a Linux kernel running on Windows.
It adds a rootless X server as well as some graphical applications (or
a complete KDE system if you want to download a 700 Mb installer).

It runs Linux 32-bits binaries, and provides a basic Ubuntu system,
that is, you just need to download Gambas packages for Ubuntu, and
start it from a console.

If anybody is interested in that project, creating a custom AndLinux
distribution without extra stuff, just with colinux kernel, X-Server
and the libraries needed to run Gambas2, could be a good idea.

Compared to Cygwin systems, It works really fast, applications seem to
be running on a native Linux system, and If you want, you can provide
access to the entire hard disk to manage files in your system.

I've been testing it on my Laptop (32bits Win Vista + Intel Core Duo +
1GB RAM) and everything works fast and without problems. I tested the
RAD environment and some examples (basic and networking). Both QT and
GTK+ Gambas apps work.

Using that system you don't need a Linux server connected with a
Windows+X server system, and you don't need to compile anything, just
download your apps using apt!


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