[Gambas-user] about compilation of Gambas

Dominique SIMONART simonart.dominique at ...11...
Mon Jun 16 01:05:42 CEST 2008

Hi everybody,

I'm not familiar with Linux, know nothing about svn and use OpenSuse 10.3.
I actually use Gambas2 V2.0 and want to uptadate to v2.7 from trunk, I 
followed the guide found in the online documentation
(by the way, the name of the repository is not correct in the doc but I 
managed to retrieve an old message from this list with the right name)
I think the downloading was correct and I get a folder 'gambas' with 3 
sub-folders: 'branches', 'tags' and 'trunk'.
Here is my first question :
1)  The Gambas folder is quite big : 1.4 Go, 289139 files and 72558 
subfolders.  Is this a normal situation?

With the dependancies,  I did not found : mysql-devel, mysql-shared, 
Next, I started  ./reconf-all and ./configure -C (some minor options 
were discarded here, but nothing important for me)
finally, I started  make  and it ended with the following messages (see 
the joined text file) so I did not start the 'make install' process)
2) What is wrong here?

Thanks in advance,
Dominique Simonart
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