[Gambas-user] sudden crash after textarea.text change

Jaap Cramer jaap_cramer at ...67...
Wed Jan 16 13:12:20 CET 2008


I'm using gambas to write a program that analyses and displays biblical hebrew texts. 
After choosing a book (cbBooks) and entering Chapter number and Verse (eventualy with a verse range) the function (called AOV) makes an array. Each entry contains a single verse (string contains hebrew, right2left, unicode). The line "tBible.Text = aov.join("\n") should display the selected text.

Here is a part of the code:
aov = mH.ArrayOfVerses(cbBooks.Index, Trim(tbChap.Text))
tBible.Text = aov.join("\n")

Most of the time it works fine, some times, (same verses), it's like something brakes, and gambas hangs. After a hang, it is difficult to debug. I tried with steps, and it seems it is no bug in the join-function. The array can be viewed in a message-box. When I try to display it in a textarea it goes wrong...

Any ideas?

Jaap Cramer, holland

Ubuntu 7:10
Gambas 2.0.0
using GB.QT and GB.QT.EXT (and others)
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