[Gambas-user] for this new year:

Fabien Bodard gambas.fr at ...626...
Tue Jan 1 13:27:31 CET 2008

This is a sympathic gambas demo, that show the class and object model power:

this class encapsulate a gridview and give it multi formating ability...

it is join with two classes:

CFormat :

An easy way to transport complex format information via a string (like in css 
ans the font class)

this work this way :

CFormat[Value as String] as CFormat

When you pass a Format string it fill a new instanciate CFormat class

You can instanciate a cformat class this way too:

hFormat = New CFormat

The format string can contain :

Font as a font string (ex: Arial,Bold,10)
Alignment (it use all the Align Class Keywords by calling them directly)
Format (Format$ pattern)

CFormat["BackColor: &HFF55FF; ForeColor: &HDD11DD; Font: Bold,10;"] etc

CFormat.ToString return a formated string 

So To copy a CFormat :

hFormat = CFormat[oldFormat.ToString]

to store a format 
Setting["format"] = hFormat.ToString

To restore
hFormat = CFormat[Setting["Format"]]

To get a value :
me.Width = hFormat.Width

Now the Contdition DB system :

A condition :

hCondtion new Conditions(Field, what, value, iftrue, iffalse)

a second condition imbricated condition (= to the AND keyword)

hConditions.Add(Field, what, value)

what = condtion comparison mode ex: Condtions.IsEqual

In The RichDataGrid only the ifTrue Value is used and you need to pass a 
CFormat class.

The Rich DadaGrid now :

to set the Table

$hGrid = New RichDataGrid(GridView1)

$hGrid.Table = "MyTable"
$hGrid.Fields = ["Field1", "Field2", "Field3"]
'set the header shown text
$hGrid.Display = ["myName1", "MyName2",..]
$hGrid.Header = GidView.Horizontal

'here set a hcondtions class


you can add multiple conditions

'to setup the column format:

$hGrid.colFormat = [CFormat[...], 

I think i have forgotten many things here but can work a little bit to find 
how all of that work.

Fabien Bodard

NOTE: The test database is required for the example !

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