[Gambas-user] Problem with boolean values in a class file

Leonardo Miliani leonardo at ...1237...
Mon Feb 4 17:37:48 CET 2008

Benoit Minisini ha scritto:
> On lundi 4 février 2008, Leonardo Miliani wrote:
>> I think that the TRUE and FALSE constants in Gambas aren't "true"
>> boolean values.
>> Try to convert them in real bool values with *CBool* before to store
>> them in your DB, i.e.:
>>> currentAddress preferred_address = *CBool*(chkpreferredAddress.value)
>>> currentAddress postal_address = *CBool*(chkPostalAddress.value)
>>> currentAddress .HeadOffice = FALSE  (which I want to be false here)
> TRUE and FALSE are "true" boolean values, what else could they be? But the 
> CheckBox.Value property is an integer, not a boolean.

I'm sorry... Only when I had just sended my post I realized that I
didn't complete my phrase: I would refer to Gambas CheckBoxes, not just
to the Gambas language itself....


Web: www.leonardomiliani.com
E-mail: leonardo at ...1237...

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